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Everything you Need to Know About Running Your AC and Heater at the Same Time

Posted by Moore Home Services


As summer turns to fall, you may find yourself switching between the AC and heater, essentially running both at the same time. But is this efficient? Yes and no. We’ve put together some top tips to help switch between cool and warm without damaging your HVAC system.
AC and Heater Systems – Making a Safe Switch
If you’re thinking of switching between the AC and heater in your home, you should those who say it’s bad for your HVAC system. Switching is okay, as long as you do it correctly.

Paying attention to the length of your AC and heater cycles and steering clear of extreme temperature changes will help you efficiently switch between the two. Better still, you’ll avoid higher energy bills and HVAC wear and tear.
Wait for the Current Cycle to Finish Before Switching
Feeling the chill? Don’t run to switch the air conditioning unit to heat without following this advice.

To prevent overload and damage, turn the thermostat to AUTO. Let the cycle run and then switch it to OFF. Wait at least five minutes, then switch it to HEAT only if you absolutely must. Start with a few-degree change up or down, and don’t keep changing it back and forth.
Why you Should Keep Your HVAC Unit from Short-Cycling
Short cycling is when the HVAC system runs for a short period and then turns off without completing the whole heat or cool cycle. Switching the system off too early means it has to work harder to switch gears and get to your desired temperature.

Over time, short-cycling causes premature wear and tear on your HVAC system. You’re putting extra stress on the compressor and other unit parts by frequently turning the system on and off. Unfortunately, this also shortens the lifespan of your HVAC and leads to premature repairs.

The best way to avoid short cycling is to use the correct procedure when switching from air-conditioning to heating. Even better, try to keep switching to a minimum.
Air Compressor Locked Up? Here’s what to Do
If your HVAC compressor ever locks up, it’s a serious problem. When this happens, you will have no air conditioning or heat until the unit is repaired or replaced. You can usually hear the compressor locking up, but sometimes the sound is not audible. In either case, if you see any of these symptoms, it’s time to call a professional.

The HVAC system does not cool adequately or at all.
The system does not run long enough to maintain normal room temperature.
The outdoor unit fan is constantly running even though the thermostat is off

If you suspect your HVAC system has locked up, do not turn off the power supply until you have determined what caused the issue and how to fix it.

Make a Regular Appointment with Your HVAC Maintenance Provider
HVAC maintenance is necessary to keep any HVAC system functional. However, too many people only call an HVAC tech when something goes wrong. Many homeowners are surprised to learn that their air conditioner or furnace could be performing at a much lower level than it should be. This is one of the many reasons it’s crucial to schedule routine tune-ups.


It’s important to note that a well-maintained air conditioner lasts longer and uses less energy. Regular tune-ups can help ensure that your system operates at maximum efficiency. If it’s not properly serviced, your HVAC won’t run as efficiently as possible. Meaning you could be stuck paying more for electricity or gas each month.
A Smart Thermostat is a Smart Move for Your Home
A smart thermostat is a great place to start if you’re looking to save money on your energy bill. These devices let you control your home’s temperature from anywhere, so you can turn up the heat or AC before you get home from work and lower it before you head out for the day.

Smart thermostats are even more useful if multiple people live in your home. For example, if you’re out of town or working late, a smart thermostat will know when everyone is gone, lowering the temperature until someone returns home.

Contact the experts at Moore Home Services for more information about smart thermostats, HVAC systems, and maintenance.



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