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Indoor Plants for Air Conditioned Rooms

Posted by Moore Home Services

Indoor Air Quality

It’s no secret this spring is a little different than any other you’ve experienced before. For many homeowners, spring brings the prospect of gardening and cultivating new life in the front yard. This year, we’re looking at something different. What about bringing those spring plants inside? It’s true when they say that plants make people happy. According to The Sill, indoor plants can help boost your mood, productivity and creativity; they can also reduce stress. In this vein, our HVAC technicians often receive questions about the best plants for air-conditioned homes. Today, we’re sharing the best indoor plants for air conditioned rooms. This spring consider bringing your gardening inside for a monumental mood booster.Best Types of PlantsThe types of plants we’re sharing today do best indoors with controlled temperature and humidity levels. Bonus, they’re also very low maintenance. We’ve done the research, and these are the best indoor plants for AC treated homes.
Snake Plant – The snake plant is a tropical plant, but it can withstand drought, making it an ideal indoor plant. It doesn’t need direct light and snake plants should only be watered once per week.
Spider Plant – The spider plant can tolerate lots of abuse. Meaning it’s very easy to care for and a very forgivable plant. They need some indirect light and only water when the soil is dry.
ZZ Plant – ZZ plants, also known as Zamioculcas zamiifolia, is a bright, beautiful plant that can withstand low-light conditions and only needs a very small amount of watering. Just be sure to keep them away from pets and children because the ZZ plant is toxic if eaten.
Rubber Plant – If you’re looking for large greenery, a rubber plant is the way to go. It’s a large, lush plant that doesn’t need to be watered too often. This one needs more indirect sunlight than the others, so a spot around a window would be ideal.
Best PlacementThere’s one way plants and real estate are similar; location matters. No matter how much you mist or water your plants, if they’re placed directly in front of an AC vent, they will dry out and potentially stop growing. Some plants need sunlight, some don’t. It’s best to see how much sun your plant is getting throughout the day and adjust its location if needed. Also, if you notice any leaves turning yellow and wilting, it could mean a few things; one, your plant is getting too much or too little sunlight; two, your plant is getting too much air; or three, your plant is overwatered.Care and MaintenanceAs we mentioned above, it is very possible to overwater your plants. In fact, that’s one of the most common mistakes homeowners make in terms of plant care. For the plants listed above, you shouldn’t overwater them, but you should mist the leaves every day. Many of these plants collect moisture in their leaves and disperse that moisture to the rest of the plant. Oftentimes, AC can dry out these leaves, causing the plant to suffer. By misting the plants every day—all you need is a little spray bottle—you’re keeping your plants happy, healthy, and thriving. Another thing to note is make sure you’re using potting soil. This soil will help with moisture control and root rot.Humidity LevelsOne of the primary functions of an air conditioner is to remove humidity from your home. While this may not jive with the care and keeping of most houseplants; with care, the ones we’ve shared above can thrive in a less than humid home. You may run into problems—with both the plants and your AC—if the humidity levels are too high. If you notice your air is heavier than usual or you smell something musty in the air, it’s time to call an HVAC technician to check everything out.Call Moore Home ServicesThink you may have any problems with your home’s humidity levels or have questions about the best indoor plants for air conditioned rooms? We’re here to serve you safely. We are a Diamond Certified HVAC and plumbing provider, proudly serving our North Bay and Santa Rosao communities. If you want to schedule service for your AC, click here to fill out an appointment form. Or, call our friendly customer service representatives. We can’t wait to help you.

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