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What Thermostat Setting Should I use During the Summer?

Posted by Moore Home Services

HVAC Basics

We’re still feeling spring weather here in Santa Rosa, but summer is just around the corner. If our summer is anything like the last one, it’ll mean hot temperatures and high utility bills. While we can’t help with the hot outdoor temperatures, we can offer some advice for the high utility bills. There is a specific thermostat setting you should use during the summer, and we’ll share what it is in this blog post.

What is the Perfect Thermostat Setting for Summer?

Don’t look at us funny when we tell you what thermostat setting you should use during the summer. It may seem a bit high, but we know what we’re talking about.

You should set your temperature to 78° during the summer. This is the best way to efficiently run your air conditioner.

The 78° mark allows for a nice balance between the hot outdoor air and the treated indoor air. It allows your HVAC system to work at a level pace.

Cranking up your AC on a hot day may feel nice, but in truth it overworks your system and send bills skyrocketing.

If the temperature in your home is even a bit cooler than the temperature outside, your AC will find a nice balance and keep your home at a comfortable temperature without sending your bills through the roof.

Set the Thermostat Higher when You’re Gone.

One of the best things about summer is leaving the house. Whether it’s on a hike or a nice park picnic, summer is the time to get out. This is also a good time to set the thermostat a bit higher.

For optimal prefomrance, set your thermostat 8 to 10 degrees higher when you’re gone. It takes more energy and puts more stress on your system to constantly turn it on and off.

This method allows your HVAC system to stay at a baseline working level. And before you judge us, know this advice comes directly from HVAC manufacturers and engineers.

Letting your AC run at a high temperature essentially puts it in “sleep” mode. This gives your machine time to rest and keeps your home from being a sweat lodge when you get back.

What About Setting the AC for Sleep?

With all rules there are exceptions. We say it’s totally ok to break the 78° setting when it’s time for bed. For many adults, the optimal sleeping temperature is lower than expected.

While sleep temperatures depend greatly on the individual, The Sleep Foundation recommends your bedroom temperature to be between 60° and 67° for the best night of slumber.

One of the best ways to prepare your home for sleep is to lower the temperature of your home as you’re getting ready for bed. This allows the system to cycle down to the right temperature.

There are options for those who want to take a more natural route. Opening the window is a great way to lower the temperature into your home and introduce some fresh air to your treated air.

Fresh air has great health benefits too, so leaving the window open while you sleep is a nice way to naturally cool the air.

Keep the Humidity in Check

A hot day can be made so much worse by humidity. It’s not just in your mind, there is a scientific reason behind this. It’s all in the way humidity interacts with your sweat.

Dry climates are generally cooler because they allow sweat to quickly evaporate. Humid climates are worse because the moisture in the air stops sweat from evaporating off your skin. So, it just stays there.

Besides keeping you cool; the AC has another big job. It regulates the humidity in your home. The AC will make sure the humidity levels are at a healthy and above all, bearable, amount.

When your home feels humid, and no thermostat setting is working, it’s time for an AC tune-up. One of our HVAC experts will come out and check the reason for your humid home.

Natural Solutions to Keep Cool

Besides setting your thermostat to 78°, there are some natural things you can do to balance the temperature levels in your home. Here are some of our favorites:

Dress for the Weather – One of the best things you can do is to actually dress for the summer weather. Swap joggers for shorts and a hoodie for a tank top. While heavy loungewear can be comfortable, it won’t help you stay cool.
Hang Some Blackout Curtains – Blackout curtains are a wonderful way to regulate the temperature inside your home. Make sure they’re closed during the hottest hours of the day and it will help keep your home cool. They also help protect your furniture and home from UV damage.
Strategically Open Windows – Opening the windows during the evening and early morning bring in natural, cool air. This cool air gets introduced to the treated air in your home and is cycled through your HVAC system. Not only does it keep things from getting stale, it also introduces cooler temperatures to your already comfortable home.
Run the Fan – We all know how much the ceiling fan helps during the winter, but don’t forget how it can work for summer as well. When it’s warm out, set the fan to spin counterclockwise. This helps send cool air down to the floors and lower levels of your home.
Make sure to Weather Seal Your Home – Nearly 35% of treated air can be lost through cracks in your doors and windows. Before it gets too warm, conduct a quick visual inspection of your windows and doors. Caulk up any outside cracks and replace any weatherstripping that is damaged.
Schedule Regular Tune-Ups – The most important thing you can do for your HVAC system is to schedule regular tune-ups. This allows an HVAC expert to thoroughly clean your system and make sure everything is safely operating.

For the Best AC Maintenance, Call Moore Home Services

At Moore Home Services, we pride ourselves on being the best in the business. When you book an appointment with us, you’re booking an appointment with an HVAC expert who knows the ins and outs of almost every air conditioner. Simply dial the number at the top of the screen or click here to request an appointment online.

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