Why Does My Water Pressure Seem Low?
Posted by Sumant JHA
Have you been wondering why your sink water seems to just trickle from the faucet instead of flowing steadily out? Or noticed that your shower water pressure seems to be slowing down? You might have low water pressure.
The first step to solving any water pressure problem is discovering the underlying issue. Here is everything you need to know about low water pressure and how to solve it.
Low Water Pressure Signs
Low water pressure can cause a variety of problems for you in your everyday life. Ineffective appliances, sprinkle showers, and dying grass can all fall victim to low water pressure. Here are a few common signs that can help you target the real issue.
The water pressure lowers when multiple people or appliances are using water at the same time
Before the water starts to come out of the fixture there is a whistling or hissing sound
It takes too long for water to come out of the fixture
Hot water takes drastically longer to get
How Do You Measure Water Pressure?
Water pressure is measured using pounds per square inch, or PSI. When your home’s water system has low PSI, there is not enough pressure to run water properly to your faucets and fixtures. Some issues can occur when water pressure is low, including damage to your appliances due to being overworked.
Can I measure my home’s water pressure?
There is a quick and simple way for you to measure your home’s water pressure on your own without going through a licensed plumber. This is something that you can easily do after just one trip to the hardware store. The below steps will tell you how to measure this yourself.
Double-check that your washing machine and dishwasher are turned off. Using a common water pressure gauge, connect it to an outside fixture or faucet. Ensure that it is completely sealed before you let the water run.
Turn the faucet all the way on to let the most water pressure into the gauge. This will give you the most accurate PSI reading. Normal water pressure ranges between 40 – 60 PSI.
Causes of Low Water Pressure
Clogged pipes
When there is a build-up of limescale, grease, debris, or hair in your pipes it can easily cause a clog and reduce water pressure. There’s a home remedy that you can try for clogged pipes. Pour baking soda and vinegar into your drains and allow this combination of chemicals to dissolve the build-up and clear the pipes.
Corroded Water Pipes
Metal pipes reacting to water and oxygen can cause corrosion and rust. Just like any metal, your water pipes can experience the same issue. Unfortunately, this issue requires a professional plumber’s touch.
Faulty Main Water Valve
The main water valve makes sure that enough pressure is delivered to your home’s water system. If this is faulty, you may not receive the correct pressure.
A water leak can easily cause low water pressure. In order to check for a leak, shut off all running water inside and outside your home. Check your water meter a bit later and see if it shows that the water is still running. If so, it’s time to call in a licensed plumber to locate and fix the leak.
Problem With The Water Pressure Regulator
Your water pressure regulator should be set to 50 PSI. If it’s set properly, but you still have low pressure, it may be time to replace the regulator.
The pressure in your pipes can become blocked by an airlock. The pipes may need to be “blown out” by a plumber to fix the problem.
Friction Loss
When pipes lose friction due to rough areas inside the pipe or too many fittings, it can cause the water pressure to decrease. A licensed plumber will need to resolve this issue and replace the affected areas of piping.
Hard Water Blockage
Hard water can cause a build-up of scale in your water pipes. This is the result of calcium and magnesium dissolving and causing a blockage. The best thing you can do is replace your water pipes instead of using chemical solutions to avoid contaminating the water supply.
An Issue With The Water Company
If you’ve checked all possible options for low water pressure and it’s still low, the problem may exist outside of your home. Check with your local water company and ensure the issue isn’t related to a flaw in their systems.
Call On Your Local Licensed Professional Plumber At Moore Home Services
If you are experiencing low water pressure issues and feel it may be caused by any of the above reasons, a Moore Home Services plumber can help resolve the problem. Give us a call today to see how we can help you.