What Does BTU Mean for Air Conditioning?
Posted by Moore Home Services
Ratings and numbers are important. Especially when it comes to your air conditioner. Sometimes it’s hard to keep things in track, like, what’s the difference between SEER and EER. While that’s a different topic for a different day, the number you should focus on is BTU.
What is BTU?
BTU stands for British Thermal Units. They are a type of measurement, and the way we determine how much power an outdoor condenser or indoor furnace has.
The way BTUs are calculated is with energy and temperature. One BTU is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit.
We liken BTUs to calories. All bodies need a certain number of calories per day in order to properly function. Too few calories and the body is sluggish and unable to get anything done. Too many and the whole system is thrown off.
Just like you eat a balanced diet, your HVAC system should have a the right number of BTUs for your home size. Too much or too little and it can’t work well.
Why Does BTU Mean for Air Conditioning?
Calculating BTUs are important because this number determines how much power is in your unit. Despite this, it’s important to keep in mind that just because a BTU is high, doesn’t mean it’s better.
You’re looking for the perfect fit for your home. When a unit has a higher number of BTUs, it can quickly change the temperature in your home. However, to many BTUs mean you’re paying too much for the unit itself and adding more to your monthly utility bills.
How do I Know the Right Size?
When it comes to HVAC and BTUs, bigger is not always better. A system that’s too large or have too many BTUs can lead to short cycling, uneven home temperature, and unusually high utility bills.
We understand no two homes are the same. The AC system that works for one home may not work for another. When our techs look at your home they take account of ceiling height, insulation levels, and how much sun your home gets before making any suggestions.
What AC Unit is Best for My Home?
There is no universally perfect AC system. Every home and lifestyle have different needs depending on the person or family.
For our renters, we suggest a portable AC unit or window unit. Homeowners have a few more options. Namely central cooling or a mini-split system.
The two systems work in a similar way, but they are separated by ducts. Central AC uses ducts to distribute air throughout your home. The mini-split, or “ductless,” system does not need ductwork at all.
For home that already have central heating, we recommend a central air conditioning system. This will use the ductwork that already exists in your home.
People in vintage homes or newer homes without ductwork usually opt for a mini-split system. This cooling system also has an outdoor condenser, but it also has an indoor air dispersal unit.
For the Best in AC Service, Call Moore Home Services
Moore Home Services is a Diamond Certified company serving Sonoma, Santa Rosa, and the North Bay. We believe in cultivating long-lasting relationships with our clients based on trust, respect, and great communication. To meet your HVAC expert, call the number at the top of the screen or click here to request an appointment online.