Choose High Quality Air Conditioning Repair with Moore Home Services
Posted by Moore Home Services
HVAC Basics
Reliable air conditioning makes our homes comfortable and safe. It makes us feel better and healthier. Air conditioning even helps keep our indoor air as clean as possible. But, as with anything else, our air conditioning units do wear down over time. As a result, our home comfort and indoor air quality change and the AC unit doesn’t work like it did in the past.
If you use air conditioning in your home, eventually you need AC repair with Moore Home Services. Repairs are inevitable and they happen for several different reasons. While it might seem tedious and inconvenient, scheduling air conditioning repair with Moore Home Services is the best course of action.
With AC repair, you:
Save the lifespan of the unit
Protect energy efficiency
Elevate indoor air quality
Prevent repairs from spreading
Keep service costs low
Air conditioning repairs are important. Repairs are what allow us to continue enjoying safe and efficient air conditioning for long periods of time. So, it is very important that when you need air conditioning repairs, you get them done in a timely manner.
Why should choose air conditioning repair with Moore Home Services?
We have:
Experienced and trained technicians
High quality repairs
Timely service
A satisfaction guarantee
At Moore Home Services, we elevate your home through excellent heating and air conditioning repair. If you need help with your HVAC, call us today.
How Do You Know When You Need Air Conditioning Repair with Moore Home Services?
How do you know if you need air conditioning repair? Your AC unit will show signs, but sometimes they are not so obvious. You might simply notice that your home is not as comfortable as it was in the past. Or, the temperature of the home seems off from the thermostat. In some instances, homeowners are more bothered by indoor air quality than usual.
Other times, you know exactly when you need air conditioning repair with Moore Home Services. The air conditioning unit stops working completely. Or, air flow is reduced. In certain circumstances, you hear the AC unit working but can’t feel anything different in the home. No matter what, you need to call for air conditioning repair with Moore Home Services.
What other signs might you experience when your need AC repair? You might have:
Smelly air coming from the vents
Loud or bothersome noises during operation
Sharp increases in the utility bill
Low indoor air quality
Decreased home comfort
Loss of access or control over the AC unit
It is crucial that you know when you need air conditioning repair with Moore Home Services. Why? The health of your home and your AC unit depend on it.
How To Handle Air Conditioning Repair with Moore Home Services
When you do know you need air conditioning repair with Moore Home Services, it’s important to turn off the central air system and call your technician. Do this as soon as you can. Many homeowners make the mistake of waiting, ignoring or procrastinating.
Why would homeowners procrastinate on calling for AC repairs? Some homeowners they hope the problem will fix itself. Other times, they think it isn’t a big enough of a problem to call a technician. Sometimes, they genuinely forget about it and use the AC unit anyway.
Unfortunately, this is the worst way to handle air conditioning repairs. When homeowners force-use the air conditioner despite needed repairs, they hurt the system altogether. This allows repairs to spread and develop into permanent damages. It also increases energy spending, so that air conditioning costs far more than needed. Additionally, service costs skyrocket and causes all sorts of complications. In short, when we don’t call for air conditioning repair with Moore Home Services, we do more harm than good.
Instead, notice and recognize when you need repairs. Once you know you need air conditioning repair, refrain from using the AC. Call your technician for appropriate prompt repair service.
What Causes Air Conditioning Repairs?
What causes air conditioning repairs and why does it happen? What’s really going on inside of the unit? The AC unit is made up of several different parts, connected to other pieces like pipes, coils and wires. Complications do happen and often times, when there is a disruption, AC repairs result.
But, what causes air conditioning repairs? It really depends on your unit and usage habits.
Air conditioning repairs can be caused by:
Old age
Overuse, misuse and abuse
Physical trauma to the system
Incorrect repairs
Preexisting repairs
Permanent damages
Spoiled parts
Wear and tear
Typically, repairs result from a combination of causes. For the majority, repairs are caused by old age, misuse and negligence.
The average air conditioning unit is designed to work for 10 to 20 years with proper care and usage habits. Unfortunately, few AC units get that type of treatment. This is also why we face air conditioning repairs early and often.
Aging and natural wear cannot be prevented. This is a process that happens with any appliance in our home. Over time, as we use the AC unit, parts grind down and wear out. They are unable to work as well as they used to, which is why we experience issues with cooling in the home.
On the other hand, premature aging is totally preventable. When we overuse, misuse or abuse the AC unit, premature aging, repairs and damages result. We do this when we fail to manage the heat load, demand too much from the system or don’t keep the unit clean. Unfortunately, this is exactly what most of us do, which is why many of us need air conditioning repairs.
How does overusing the central air system cause AC repairs? When the home grows too hot, we turn on the AC unit. The AC unit takes hot indoor air and, through a heat transfer, cools air. However, when indoor temperature rises substantially, the AC unit cannot cool air fast enough even if it runs all day. What happens next? Because the air conditioning unit works double-time, the parts wear down faster, causing all sorts of technical issues.
What Kind of Air Conditioning Repair Do You Need?
Because there are so many different parts that make up the cooling unit, there are equally as many air conditioning repairs. While you should wait for your technician for a proper diagnosis, you can get an idea of what type of repair you need depending on the symptoms.
If you have issues with controlling your AC unit, you might need air conditioning repair with Moore Home Services for:
Non-operative thermostats
Disconnected or corroded wires
Burnt motors
Stalled blowers
Refrigerant leaks
Troubled control boards and circuit boards
Many people underestimate the thermostat. The thermostat is crucial to the air conditioning process. It is our remote control. Without it, we do not have any control over cooling. The thermostat needs air conditioning repairs just like any other part of the central air system. It also experiences the same type of wear and buildup as any other part. It is important to keep the thermostat clean in order to maintain access to cooling.
If you have problems with low indoor air quality, you might need air conditioning repair with Moore Home Services for:
Air duct leaks
Clogged condensate lines
Frozen evaporator coils
Dirty air filters
Broken insulation
Air duct leaks waste huge amounts of energy and pollute indoor air. The attic, where the air ducts are kept, is a very unique environment. In the summer, the attic easily reaches triple digits and is the home to thousands of dirty contaminants, particles and germs. When the air ducts have leaks, attic air enters through the holes while cleaned and cooled air leaks into the attic. As a result, hot and dirty attic air enters the home, significantly reducing indoor air quality.
If you struggle with energy costs, you might need air conditioning repair with Moore Home Services for:
Air duct leaks
Broken insulation
Microbiological growth
Stalled blower motors
Insulation is crucial for homeowners who want to minimize costs on cooling. Insulation improves home comfort, lowers energy costs and protects indoor air by creating a sealed environment. If you haven’t already, work with Moore Home Services to insulate your home. Start with air duct insulation and attic insulation, then move onto the rest of the home. You can significantly reduce energy loss with proper insulation.
If you have trouble with home comfort, you need air conditioning repair with Moore Home Services for:
Air duct leaks
Broken insulation
Refrigerant leaks
Microbiological growth
Dirty air filters
Any type of air conditioning repair can cause a decline in home comfort. However, it is also important to remember that as the central air system ages, it will not work as well as it did before. If you repeatedly need multiple AC repairs, it may be time to for a total system replacement.
The average lifespan of an air conditioning unit is 10 to 20 years with maintenance and time-sensitive repairs. If your air conditioning unit is older and you’ve gotten plenty of use from it, it may be time for a new unit. A total replacement very well can be the more cost-effective method to restoring proper heating and air conditioning.
Fortunately, today’s technology has created some incredible machines. You have plenty of choices to choose from and your technician works with you to determine what kind of unit serves you and your home best.
Don’t shy away from a new installation, especially if your current unit requires repeating air conditioning repairs.
Prevent Air Conditioning Repairs From the Start with Tune-Ups
Fortunately, there is a way to avoid and prevent air conditioning repairs in the future. Technicians recommend maintenance tune-up. AC maintenance helps homeowners prevent up to 90 percent of all air conditioning repairs, no matter the make or model.
Homeowners who schedule maintenance twice a year experience:
More accurate temperatures
Improved energy efficiency
Elevated indoor air quality
Reliable performance
Healthy and clean equipment
A longer lasting system
Fewer technical issues
Better home comfort
Peace of mind
Because your technician services the unit before it shows signs of trouble, he or she is able to deliver total care early on and keep the unit as healthy as possible. This early treatment allows technicians to diagnose issues and deliver high quality care, restoring health, cleanliness, safety, efficiency and performance quality. How does your technician do this?
During maintenance, your technician:
Visually inspects every aspect of the unit
Inspects the air ducts for leaks and obstruction
Removes microbiological growth, water and waste
Cleans the unit of buildup
Tests for gas leaks, refrigerant leaks and water leaks
Cleans and adjusts the condensate lines
Re-calibrates the thermostat
Adjusts all wires, connections, covers and attachments
Monitors performance for efficient operation
Measures airflow and pressure
Adjusts shifted settings
Identifies weaknesses
When maintenance is done, you have clean, healthy and reliable air conditioning service. Maintenance is the best way to protect your home comfort, equipment and cooling. Moore Home Services recommends AC maintenance once a year to avoid air conditioning repair.
Schedule High Quality Air Conditioning Repair with Moore Home Services
You deserve exceptional air conditioning repair with Moore Home Services. Quality air conditioning repairs restores:
Home comfort
Peace of mind
Energy efficiency
In order to restore the health of your home, choose air conditioning repair with Moore Home Services. We want to make your home better through exceptional service, which is why we only offer the best air conditioning repairs. No matter what you need, even if you don’t know what you need, our technicians are on your side.
Moore Home Services is the air conditioning, heating and plumbing company homeowners trust. We lead in high quality air conditioning repairs and promise genuine customer service. To schedule your air conditioning repair with Moore Home Services, please request an appointment. You can also get in contact with our friendly call center representatives for more help.