When is the Best Time to Have Your Furnace Inspected and Cleaned?
Posted by Moore Home Services
HVAC Basics
According to the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA), your chimney, or flue, needs to be cleaned when the soot levels build up to about 1/8” within the flue system. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends that furnaces ought to be inspected at least once a year by
heating and air conditioning contractors.
Inspection by professionals will help to correct any problems with the furnace. Even those that don’t use their systems often need to have them inspected, as chimneys often become the nesting area of small animals such as raccoons, squirrels and birds. Debris such as leaves and branches may also accumulate in chimneys as a result of being swept by rain, wind or snow. Your chimney may be unsafe for use without clearing it of debris and pests that may be inside.
Failing to have your system inspected may result in serious problems that will require extensive and expensive
furnace repair. Ensure that you have your system inspected and cleaned before you get it going. Early fall is the best time to schedule this inspection as it will ensure that you’re ready for the cold season. If you’ve moved into a home recently, you should also ensure that you have the system inspected to ensure that it is safe.
Moore Heating and Air Conditioning offer professional
furnace repair, safety inspection and tune-up services for residential clients within Petaluma, Napa and Sonoma Counties. For only $20, you can ensure the safety of your home and save hundreds of dollars in heating bills.
(707) 387 – 0265 today for more information.